Hindu Caste System Kills Public Spirit

'Hindu Caste System' has killed public spirit, destroyed the sense of public charity and made public opinion impossible. A Hindu's public is his/her CASTE. Virtue has become caste-ridden and morality has become caste-bound.There is no sympathy to the deserving----sympathy but not for human of other caste. There is no charity to the needy---there is charity BUT it begins with the caste and end with the caste. My caste-men, right or wrong---my caste-men, good or bad...it is a case of standing or not standing by the caste.----Hindu observe CASTE not because they are inhuman or wrong-headed----they observe caste because they are deeply religious.........Hindu religion is not build on PRINCIPLE but on RULE-----there is distinction between 'principle and rule'. Rules are practical (habitual way of doing and can be changed) where principles are intellectual

and universal.


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